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Antenna Design
Don Chadwick
Eero Saarinen
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Joseph D'Urso
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Marcel Breuer
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Ross Lovegrove
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Knoll Designer Bios

Joseph D'Urso

Known as a preeminent member of the 1980s “high-tech” movement, Joseph D’Urso studied interior design and architecture at Pratt Institute, Royal College of Art in London, and Manchester College of Art and Design. He made his reputation in the mid-1970s designing private residences and showrooms in his signature austere style. He was known for heavily stripped down interiors featuring white walls and single pieces of iconic modern furniture — oftentimes a Wassily or Barcelona Chair.

In 1980, D’Urso collaborated with Knoll to develop a collection of high rolling tables, low tables and lounge seating that reflected his preference for objects that look more engineered than styled. More recently D’Urso returned to Knoll to design the Swivel Lounge and D’Urso Lounge Collection.

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